Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Hazel's Reflections

Before the pilgrimage, I had the verse about storing up treasures in heaven (Matt 6:20-21) and wrote that I might focus more on Jesus.  I talked about diamonds with my prayer partner and how the beauty of a diamond is only revealed when the light catches it in a particular light.  On the second morning of the pilgrimage, there were droplets of water on the plants, just like diamonds.  It was a really unexpected place to find this image, but this was a good reminder that Jesus is with us wherever we are.

Since the pilgrimage, I have reflected that Jesus was revealed in different ways during the past few days (just like a diamond looking different in different lights), fulfilling his promise of himself as the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6):
  • On the pilgrimage, he was the Way.  Whenever I fixed my eyes on him (Hebr 12:2), I felt as though I were lifted up as if on wings like an eagle (Is. 40:31)
  • On arrival in Canterbury, we found him as the truth and prepared to take him with us back into the world, buckled round our waist (Eph 6:14)
  • Now, Jesus is my life.  He brings us life through prayer and worship (Jer 29:12-14), through our experience of serving others (Phil 2:7) and through his word (Is 55:11).
So, now when I fix my eyes on Jesus, then I know that my life is with him in God (Col 3:3).

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