Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The missing pieces

Apologies for the lack of communication over the last four days - not much reception on the North Downs Way and hotels say that there's wifi connection, but then it's only for 30 minutes, or only from public areas ....

Here are the missing pieces from our blog to date (more to follow):


Walking 20 miles day after day can ONLY be done in God's strength and with his power.  None of us have done this on our own.

Today some of the team got lost and probably added a couple of miles to their journey, meaning a 'rescue trip' was necessary.  Thank you to Sarah and John Harris.

While on this detour, there was also the case of the lost 'phone, which fell out of a pocket while climbing a stile, but couldn't be seen from the path.  When the next walkers were going past, it rang and they picked it up, but too late to speak to whoever was on the line.  Later in the evening it rang again when the pilgrim's prayer partner called and we managed to reunite the phone and the pilgrim, so that normal service could be resumed.  Thank you to Mike and Clair, who drove from south of Maidstone to Rochester - you are absolute stars!

So, we were amazed by the power of God in our walking and in answering prayer about lost items, but we were really stunned by the awesomeness of his creativity, as modelled by the Otford Solar System Millenium Project.  At the other end of the scale, we considered how God's love covers us all - down to each hair of our head.  Some of us looked at moss covering a tree trunk and how it clings so close, getting to know every nook and crannie of the tree and likened this to the covering of God's love over us.

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